Monday, January 31, 2005

They like us! They really like us!

We'd like to thank everyone who's linked or written to us during our first day of business. The response has been amazing. It seems everybody has a favorite historical urban legend or conspiracy theory that they would like to see debunked.

I've already received three contributions for the first issue. Being fairly cautious, I had announced the date of the first issue (over at archy) as March 1 with subsequent issues on a monthly basis. If this level of interest keeps up, we will probably move the date forward.

Beyond the carnival itself, Alan and I are still working out how we will be using this site. We will be occassionally posting on bad history in in the news. If you want to contribute to the carnival, but can't decide on a topic, ckeck back here for suggestions.

Once again, thanks for dropping by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a history grad, I can only lend plaudits to this idea. But please make sure you check up carefully - there's nothing to infuriate historians like good history being called bad. But I'm sure you knew that.

And the idea of bad history in historical TV tickles me pink. Will you have end-of-year Anachronism Awards?